Sunday, November 11, 2007

We are stil hard at it

well I am late on my post Terry and I walked 27 kms last week ! I think it was the best walk ever!!
Tomorow we do 31km it's going to be cold and this will be the first really cold walk I will let you all know how we make out

Monday, October 15, 2007

It's been awhile

Hello friends,
well it's been awhile since I have posted but that doesn't mean that I have stopped walking(haha)
We have been working very hard to get these bodies strengthed to be able to do this marathon.
We are at 21 kms this week and let me tell ya doing it at marathon pace is very very hard for me my body is letting me know that I have to try and work harder. Terry is very sore today but I am so proud of him he is doing very well.My little legs paddle along behind him.
What an experience this has been. I am not ready for race day but I can't wait for it!!!
take care my friends!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Week # 6

well what a beautiful day it is ...
I have done my first hill train and I feel like I have been hit by one.
I know you all know where Myleta lives, well me and my bright idea
I used the hill going toward her place as my first one, I have to say it is not human friendly!!!!
Thought I was going to die .
I can still walk so all is well!!! I go to see Amy tomorrow and she gets to put her magic powers to work, I can't wait

Monday, September 10, 2007

Week # 5

Hello girls , all is well
we are doing 8 km this week, then it bumps up to 12 next week so I will take the break!!
Terry is really coming along well he is really trying to run more than walk...
I hope you are all enjoying the start of fall!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Week # 4

It's a new week and things are better but, I can't believe it's week 4 already......we did our 10km yesterday and I am back in the game.
Terry said our time is getting a little better .Ohhhhhhh how I have been wanting to hear those words. I have to admit I am really sore today it doesn't take long for a little break to come up and bite you on the calf!!!!
Here's hoping for a pain free week

Week # 4

Week # 4

Week # 3

Well girls this was a bad week for me. I got my long walk in and a few little ones but, I wasn't feeling the best so I took it easy :-(

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Week # 2

Hello all,
well 1 week under our belt, and today is the start of week # 2!!
Well today I learned how to FLY!!! thats right I had just started my walk and about half hour into it the rain started that was welcomed great way to cool down well then the thunder started, oh my I turned tail and ran most of the way back home, I may not be able to move tomorrow but I didn't get hit by lightning!!
What an experience this is turning in to.
I guess you can say week 2 has started with a BANG

Monday, August 13, 2007

Here we go Week #1

On Saturday we started to train on the joints in motion schedule( a little different then mine)
We also had to go to PEI to help my friend Millie. Well my first training day was on beautiful Prince Edward Island. I got to walk with Terry which I don't get to do often because of work. That was a treat all in its self!!!! , also to be able to talk to someone other than myself.
May I say I was so very happy to see what strength I have gained !! I could really keep up with those long legs of his( I kept my beaming on the inside) because he is doing a great job also.
Now I am sure the time will fly by!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mama needs a new pair of shoes

Oh my stars .... I have worn out my first pair of sneakers already.
I can't believe it, never in my life have I had to replace a pair of shoes in less
than 4 months.
And may I add what a difference when I got the new ones. This experience is all so new to me
I just don't know what to do with myself.Somedays I don't even think it's me thats out there doing all this walking.
I am really starting to believe that you can change your life style if you really want to!!!
now if I could just get it out of my head that hot fudge sundae's are my friend I would be ok.....
love to all

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I am almost half way!!!

Good Saturday morning to you all!!!
I am almost half way there I walked 20 km today it started out ok but, man did it get hot I so do not like walking in the heat I don't know for the life of me how people run in it ( you are my hero's is all I can say)
Yes I feel like my legs are going to fall off ,I hope they can keep up with me because we still have a long way to go.
I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Act of kindness

Well my walking is going well I am even surprising myself but, with all this walking comes some aches and pains .... Lets face it this old body is not used to it.
My friend Tom who works in our physio dept at the hospital came to my aid in just minutes, I told him that I have a bit of a click i n my knee and told him what was going on with it . I tell ya with in minutes he had pages of exrecise for me to do to help strenghten it up.
So many people have come forward with such kind words of encouragement and it really helps to keep me going.
This week at work I had a blue ribbon day , it was a great chance to talk with people that I don't usually see. I was very surprised to learn how many people suffer in silence with this disease, people you wouldn't even know that had it.
By being involved with this it has made me more aware of arthritis and more determined to help find a cure!!!
Another act of kindness is the cardmaking for our troops. I want to thank each and everyone of you that is taking part in this heartfelt project.
What an amazing thing our paper crafts have done.

Monday, June 4, 2007

A walk for my soal

On Friday I felt so sad and so mad.I had to do something good.
So I went on a 14km walk, I knew this would give me the chance to do some thinking.

And thinking is what I needed to do. Those of you who know me know that I wear my yellow ribbon almost every where I go , since our son has been in Afghanistan I can say in all honesty there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of our men and women over there. When I get up in the morning I look at our canadian flag smile and say may god bless each and everyone of you today and then I throw in a thankyou guys!!
On Friday when I heard about Angies husband my mind was in a whirl, my heart was pounding and I felt very helpless, all I could think of was how can I help this sweet person.
Some days I am not strong and I want to have them pulled out of there and brought home to where they will be safe but ,I know that isn't what they want . So by the end of the walk I was in a better frame of mind, strong again and ready to support, but my heart was still very heavy for Angie I guess only time will help because I have no answers for these feelings.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

WOW !!!
This is how I have to start this out. I am still beside myself. I can't believe what we have done this weekend.What a room full of wonderful talented amazing women.I still can't believe what just happened, not that I didn't have faith in all of us but, this was truly amazing that we have this kind of power. You have to be feeling so good about your selves and what you have done. Our hearts are so in the right place.
I couldn't help but look around the room and feel so blessed. I only wished that you could feel what was in my heart because there are no words to describe it because I really don't think I have ever had this feeling in my life.
I tried so hard not to cry but I truly could not hold them back my chest was hurting so bad, I felt out of emotional control.
I want you to know that without each and everyone of you we wouldn't of had the success of this event. Your kindness we will never forget.
When I called our daughter and told her how we were doing she just couldn't believe it, and said give them all a big hug for me.She has been taken back with all of the kindness that has been given to us. She goes mum I am so proud of you, I know how nervous you were about yesterday, I told you everything would be fine.( Hey thats my job to tell her that everything will be fine) I love it when she loves me!!!!:)
All the cards that were made for our canadian heros again another focus that is so very near and dear to my heart. I thank you so very very much .I want to tell you just incase you left before this draw was made. Jill MacDonald won the binder of cards and gave them all to our TROOPS!!!Oh my gosh I am flooding but yet again. Such kindness thankyou so very much Jill. I will tell you ladies I have a son who is not like his Mum he is a tough guy.... has said to me miss MacDonald is one of the best teachers I have ever had. Coming from a son who keeps his feelings inside......well this means Jill you ROCK.
I want to thank you all for making this a day that we will never forget and most of all this event may be the one to ease the pain!!!!!!!
With love ,hugs, tears and one heck of a big thankyou
Holly & Terry

Monday, May 14, 2007

we are wearing the treads off our shoes

Hello everyone,
Just thought I would drop a line to let everyone know how Terry and I are doing in the training dept!
I am now up to a 14 km walk and I am gaining a bit of strength to be able to run a bit, not much mind you but I am getting stronger every day.I am sure if anyone heard me going down the road they would call 911 beacuse I sound like a 1960's jeep on its last legs when I run.
Terry on the other hand is doing much better with the running and may I add the weight is falling off of him much faster than it is me( darn men and their DNA).
It's really hard work for us since this really hasn't been a part of our lives(exercise that is) but, it is part of our daily life now and we look forward to trying to beat our pervious days time.
Thank you so much for the continued support for us, it pushes me down the highway a bit faster and longer when all I want to do is go home and scrap!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Hello and what a beautiful day it is today!
I walked 12 km today in 1hour and 50 minutes, this is the longest I have gone and boy
do I ever feel good about it, well my spirit does and you can only guess how sore the rest of me is.!!!
I got a call from Kris soon after I got back ,I told her my news and she said she was so proud of really made stop and think I am the one that always says how proud I am of them, my this is such a life changing event for me. I am so happy to be doing this, what if we change just one life with what we are doing....oh my heart! it thrills me to death.
The days are flying by to our big paper arts a thon, I must say my "dream team" is working so hard to make this an awesome event for all of us. The ideas that are coming out of this crew is amazing, they are truly three of the most kind hearted people .We are all very lucky to have them on our team.

So until next time, there is a magic bag calling my name.
Hugs Holly

Friday, May 4, 2007

What a wonderful day

Hello to all my blogger buddies,

I just couldn't wait to get on line to tell you the great news that we got today.
We have had the fear since March of 2006 that Kristen may have cancer. She has
been for several tests and none of them have come back with any hope except for today!!!!
Her doctor is so positive that he got everything on the last procedure. I just can't believe this
I am busting with so much happiness . I had myself ready for the worst today and it has turned out to be just great. I think it must be all the positive power that you guys are bringing our way.
While we are driving home Kris looks over at me and said thank god you don't have to walk a cancer marathon next year. Oh good lord how lucky we are today
Hugs Holly

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hello my friends,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather.
I went out side for my first walk yesterday ,I have been using the treadmill.
I must tell ya it sure is different on the outside!! I walked for 2 hours I just couldn't stop
it was beautiful and I had all the problems of the world solved by the time I got back home!!(I wish).
Well today is a different story I have muscles that feel like they are on fire..... it might have been the 12 hour night that I worked yesterday that is adding to the discomfort.
BUT I have to tell you I feel great in the spirit, and I am sure by tomorrow the pain will be a memory.
So this is the scoop I have done 9 miles on the treadmill it took me almost 3 hours, I know very slow, but what a wake up call to tell me what my body can do when I put my mind to it. I made much better time on the outside, and got a bit of a tan to boot!!! I will save the mill for the rain days and hit the dirt on the nice ones!!!!
Thank you thank you for all the wonderful things that you continue to do for our cause.. you must be feeling very good about yourselves because I know I do!!
Love from my heart to you all

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We are full

Good Morning to everyone,
Our paper arts a thon is full!!!! isn't this just the greatest thing.
WE are doing such a wonderful thing, I can't believe that we are part of raising money to help find a cure for Arthritis( it makes me tingle inside) and yes I cry at the drop of a hat when I think about what we are doing.
I just can't wait for May to come so I can be in a room full of such spirit.
Because of your kindness I get that extra boost to go that extra mile you have no idea what a wonderful feeling this is.You guys make my heart sing! I will truly never forget this as long as I live, and what a great memory to have.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I finally got this to work!

Hello to all and I hope you had a nice holiday.
On a very happy note I received a phone call from our daughter telling us that she can bend one of her fingers, we are so happy it has been since August. Could her new medication be working this fast? I hope and pray this will last for her and that she can have the same results with her other hand.
I have walked over 200 miles since we started this adventure!
I am almost to 8 miles at one time.
I am very pleased with how things are going so far would like to be able to
speed up my time but, I am sure that will come ( before race day I hope) ha ha.
I would like to give a big thank you for all of the help that Terry and I are receiving we are so greatful.
Here we go again with another amazing act of kindness.
We are going to be teaming up with our local Zellers restaurant for a fundraising spaghetti dinner on May 14th . We are going to be pre selling the tickets at $10.00 and as a bonus Zellers will be giving away a bike to one lucky person who comes to dinner that night.
And again I feel that thank you is such a small word . If you would like more info you can get ahold of Myleta or myself.
Until my next post Happy walking!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's a 6 mile day

Hello all,
Well today I did my first 6 miles,in about 2 hours I know that isn't fast,but right now I am going for milage not speed. I am hoping that the speed will come!!!!I can say that I have never walked 6 miles in my life before this.
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Terry and I have gone from coach potato to training for a marathon.Could this be what they call a midlife crisis?
I don't think so, we are so excited about this I am almost running out of my shoes(haha)
We both know that this isn't going to be easy but, from what we have researched and seen, neither is arthritis.
If support is what you need to cross the finish line then I say we will have no problem, I am so over-whelmed with the support that has been given to us by our friends.
Thank you seems like such a little word .