Monday, May 14, 2007

we are wearing the treads off our shoes

Hello everyone,
Just thought I would drop a line to let everyone know how Terry and I are doing in the training dept!
I am now up to a 14 km walk and I am gaining a bit of strength to be able to run a bit, not much mind you but I am getting stronger every day.I am sure if anyone heard me going down the road they would call 911 beacuse I sound like a 1960's jeep on its last legs when I run.
Terry on the other hand is doing much better with the running and may I add the weight is falling off of him much faster than it is me( darn men and their DNA).
It's really hard work for us since this really hasn't been a part of our lives(exercise that is) but, it is part of our daily life now and we look forward to trying to beat our pervious days time.
Thank you so much for the continued support for us, it pushes me down the highway a bit faster and longer when all I want to do is go home and scrap!!!


Just Plain Happy said...

What are ya talking about! You two look mighty fit to me. A double digit, now that is something else! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing your progress!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you both!! I can't wait for the Paper Arts athon weekend!! Can't wait for a hug from my favorite friend!
Love yah!