Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We are full

Good Morning to everyone,
Our paper arts a thon is full!!!! isn't this just the greatest thing.
WE are doing such a wonderful thing, I can't believe that we are part of raising money to help find a cure for Arthritis( it makes me tingle inside) and yes I cry at the drop of a hat when I think about what we are doing.
I just can't wait for May to come so I can be in a room full of such spirit.
Because of your kindness I get that extra boost to go that extra mile you have no idea what a wonderful feeling this is.You guys make my heart sing! I will truly never forget this as long as I live, and what a great memory to have.

1 comment:

Just Plain Happy said...

My heart is singin' too! Can't wait to get so many wonderful, happenin' Paper Artists in one room! Keep on truckin' Holly!