Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mama needs a new pair of shoes

Oh my stars .... I have worn out my first pair of sneakers already.
I can't believe it, never in my life have I had to replace a pair of shoes in less
than 4 months.
And may I add what a difference when I got the new ones. This experience is all so new to me
I just don't know what to do with myself.Somedays I don't even think it's me thats out there doing all this walking.
I am really starting to believe that you can change your life style if you really want to!!!
now if I could just get it out of my head that hot fudge sundae's are my friend I would be ok.....
love to all


Just Plain Happy said...

Go Mama Go!! You are truly an inspiration! A pair of sneakers will last me forever! Keep us posted on your progress!

Jill MacDonald said...

You Go Girl!
I am impressed - you must be packing on the miles to need a new set of shoes!!! WOW!

I still have your "candy". Which stamp set would you like; delight in life or happy everything?

You can email me at and let me know...I will then deliver them to you along with the other candy!!!