Saturday, June 16, 2007

Act of kindness

Well my walking is going well I am even surprising myself but, with all this walking comes some aches and pains .... Lets face it this old body is not used to it.
My friend Tom who works in our physio dept at the hospital came to my aid in just minutes, I told him that I have a bit of a click i n my knee and told him what was going on with it . I tell ya with in minutes he had pages of exrecise for me to do to help strenghten it up.
So many people have come forward with such kind words of encouragement and it really helps to keep me going.
This week at work I had a blue ribbon day , it was a great chance to talk with people that I don't usually see. I was very surprised to learn how many people suffer in silence with this disease, people you wouldn't even know that had it.
By being involved with this it has made me more aware of arthritis and more determined to help find a cure!!!
Another act of kindness is the cardmaking for our troops. I want to thank each and everyone of you that is taking part in this heartfelt project.
What an amazing thing our paper crafts have done.


Just Plain Happy said...

Sometimes it is the 'simple acts of kindness' that touch us the most. Holly, you are doing so much for arthritis awareness. Thru Paper Arts A Thon I talked to people that I knew but did not know they were Arthritis sufferers. This has certainly put a 'face' to arthritis. Keep truckin, girl! You're growing closer to the finish line ALL the time!

Anonymous said...

Well said.