Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hello my friends,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather.
I went out side for my first walk yesterday ,I have been using the treadmill.
I must tell ya it sure is different on the outside!! I walked for 2 hours I just couldn't stop
it was beautiful and I had all the problems of the world solved by the time I got back home!!(I wish).
Well today is a different story I have muscles that feel like they are on fire..... it might have been the 12 hour night that I worked yesterday that is adding to the discomfort.
BUT I have to tell you I feel great in the spirit, and I am sure by tomorrow the pain will be a memory.
So this is the scoop I have done 9 miles on the treadmill it took me almost 3 hours, I know very slow, but what a wake up call to tell me what my body can do when I put my mind to it. I made much better time on the outside, and got a bit of a tan to boot!!! I will save the mill for the rain days and hit the dirt on the nice ones!!!!
Thank you thank you for all the wonderful things that you continue to do for our cause.. you must be feeling very good about yourselves because I know I do!!
Love from my heart to you all

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We are full

Good Morning to everyone,
Our paper arts a thon is full!!!! isn't this just the greatest thing.
WE are doing such a wonderful thing, I can't believe that we are part of raising money to help find a cure for Arthritis( it makes me tingle inside) and yes I cry at the drop of a hat when I think about what we are doing.
I just can't wait for May to come so I can be in a room full of such spirit.
Because of your kindness I get that extra boost to go that extra mile you have no idea what a wonderful feeling this is.You guys make my heart sing! I will truly never forget this as long as I live, and what a great memory to have.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I finally got this to work!

Hello to all and I hope you had a nice holiday.
On a very happy note I received a phone call from our daughter telling us that she can bend one of her fingers, we are so happy it has been since August. Could her new medication be working this fast? I hope and pray this will last for her and that she can have the same results with her other hand.
I have walked over 200 miles since we started this adventure!
I am almost to 8 miles at one time.
I am very pleased with how things are going so far would like to be able to
speed up my time but, I am sure that will come ( before race day I hope) ha ha.
I would like to give a big thank you for all of the help that Terry and I are receiving we are so greatful.
Here we go again with another amazing act of kindness.
We are going to be teaming up with our local Zellers restaurant for a fundraising spaghetti dinner on May 14th . We are going to be pre selling the tickets at $10.00 and as a bonus Zellers will be giving away a bike to one lucky person who comes to dinner that night.
And again I feel that thank you is such a small word . If you would like more info you can get ahold of Myleta or myself.
Until my next post Happy walking!!!!